Thursday, 10 February 2011

Revised Plot Idea

After discussing potential opening discussions with my group, I have taken their suggestions added some back story and considered how the narrative will develop. I think this is important because once we know what the characters are doing, we can help explain this to the audience through the filming.

Plot of film
In the past a young girl is attacked by a would-be killer, she escapes, he is caught sent to prison and later escapes. He comes back to get his revenge, stalking and killing her family and friends, until the climax when they fight and only one survives.

I understand that this plot has some similarities to Prom Night, however when we film this, it will be different.

Opening Sequence
Opening shot-Girl tossing and turning in bed.
Group of girls dancing at college
Cut to man looking at pictures of girls, discarded underwear etc,
Cut back to dancing girls, performance ends,
Three girls go toilet, remainder of girls leave building.
Cut back to man (face unseen) looking at photo of main girl.
Man hears girls voices, leaves caretakers room (half seen dead body in background) and goes to lock main doors.
Cut to girls going to door, find it locked, angry expressions, lights begin to go out in the building, girls become agitated.
Cut to man walking out of dark (with knife in hand and mask over face) Shot reverse shot to the girls.

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